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9 Ways to Help IRAN

1. Write to your MP asking them to support Iranian women’s rights publicly.

It is up to us to support Iran’s people in their current fight against the regime’s human rights violations. One measure you can take is to write to your member of Parliament or Congress to show that this issue is important to you and to demand that your government is taking a stand as well. If more and more countries around the globe condemn Iran’s dictatorship and take decisive action, the political nature can be changed. 

Go to your government’s official website to find more about who is your representative or member of Parliament, roll those sleeves up, and get to typing.

2. Donate to or support human rights organizations. 

Prior to Mahsa Jina Amini’s death, there have been plenty of organizations and clubs around the world supporting the rights of Iranian women, Kurds, and minorities oppressed by the regime. Here are some of the organizations where you can either donate to, or if budget is tight, offer your help:

  • The Center for Human Rights in Iran (CHRI) works to protect human rights in Iran by researching and documenting human rights violations across the country as well as disclosing them to the public to bring about change. 

  • The Abdorrahman Boroumand Center is a non-governmental organization that commits itself to the rights of all victims of human rights violations, and uses research, documentation, publications, and outreach to restore dignity to Iran’s population.  

  • IKWRO is a registered charity in the UK providing advice and support to Middle Eastern, North African, and Afghan women and girls. It also offers training for them to understand their rights. 

  • As a global movement, Amnesty International did not hesitate to take action and has created a petition for you to sign.  

  • Flamingo e.V. is a non-profit association in Germany that supports refugee women and children irrespective of their origin and residence status to start a self-determined life. 

  • HÁ is a registered non-governmental organization in Germany and Iraq, working to protect human rights for everyone, regardless of their ethnic background, gender, faith, or lifestyle through international awareness-raising and political advocacy campaigns. 

3. Join protests.

If you want to show your support, take to the streets and find a protest near you, or start a local demonstration in solidarity with Iranian women.

4. Follow social media accounts. 

Social media is not only a source of entertainment, but also great knowledge. You can follow accounts run by advocates and organizations who are supporting women in Iran and help amplify their messages, including Nazanin Boniadi, actor and Amnesty UK Ambassador; Masih Alinejad, activist and journalist; Abdorrahman Boroumand Center for Human Rights in Iran, a nonprofit organization; Middle East Matters, a youth-run organization; Naaz, a Kurdish singer and artist; Human Rights Watch, an organization; and Gissou Nia, Director of Atlantic Council Strategic Litigation Project.

5. Share information and posts on protests.

If you do not feel comfortable or are not able to go out onto the streets yourself, you can also use your social media to share information and posts of protests from Iran and around the world. Search social media by using the hashtags #mahsaamini, #iranprotests, #iranprotests2022, and #zhinaamini.

6. Read books. 

To learn more about the history of women’s rights in Iran, we recommend the following books: The Complete Persepolis by Marjane Satrapi; Reading Lolita in Tehran: A Memoir in Books by Azar Nafisi; Daughters of Smoke and Fire by Ava Homa; and Things I've Been Silent About: Memories of a Prodigal Daughter by Azar Nafisi.

7. Attend events where you learn more about oppressed communities.

There is no better way to learn about an issue than to talk to those concerned by human rights violations. Organizations are creating panels, workshops, meet-ups, and more to give a stage to people oppressed by the Iranian government and to mobilize the public to stand up and demand change. You can check your social media for events in your vicinity or search online.

8. Take action. 

As a Global Citizen, you can show solidarity by sharing a message on why you stand with the women of Iran. 

9. Keep raising your voice.

At the moment, the death of Mahsa Jina Amini is all over the news, but soon enough, there will be another tragic crisis demanding our attention. However, we should not forget the people in Iran and their fight for human rights. 

“What my compatriots are feeling more than anything right now is an overwhelming sense of unity, support and solidarity. I feel that we can keep fighting; be it in London, Paris, all over the world,” said Naza Alakija, founder of NGO Sage Foundation and senior adviser to UNICEF. “If we truly continue supporting Iranian women and we stand in solidarity, there can be change. I just hope it doesn’t come at the cost of thousands of lives, which may already be the case. And I am also not advocating for chaos, but I am asking for women, men, individuals, to come out and share the message wide and far.

“Stand with us! Thank you for hearing us.
Thank you for supporting us.
Please don’t stop! So many people have lost their children,
their sisters, their wives.
If we can now keep this public support around the world,
then something will hopefully change for the better.” 

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